Everything you need to know about a hangover (and its remedies)
What to eat and drink when you have a hangover? Is there any scientific remedy? Is it recommended to train? We review the most common remedies and the myths to banish. Popular wisdom says that after happy nights you wake up with sad mornings (or middays). Behind the coined grace there is a whole experience accumulated among all those who have exceeded with alcohol either with excuses of special celebrations or simply because of a day with too many drinks. Despite the experience in the unhealthy habit, there are many who are well aware of migraines and the effects of what is popularly known as a hangover , but they are mistaken with a tangle of topics, legends, errors and successes to prevent and mitigate a very popular evil on the 1st of January. Cause and symptoms of a hangover The cause of a hangover is one of the most obvious and clear issues: excessive alcohol consumption . From approximately 0.11% of alcohol in the blood, it is already known that the hangover will a