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Health Insurance: How To Choose It without Making (the Usual) Mistakes

A health insurance policy can prove to be essential on various occasions in life, from daily unforeseen events to travel abroad. In the latter case, the policy intervenes by providing assistance to the traveler, directing him to a trusted doctor on-site or at affiliated facilities. The benefits of this type of coverage often outweigh the costs. Its purpose is not so much to replace the benefits related to the national health system, as to protect itself from unpleasant situations related to loss of money related to an illness, or to face costs for decidedly onerous specialized care. It also allows you to choose between private affiliated structures, enjoying faster waiting times. Looking for opinions on health policies? After this reading, you will certainly have clearer ideas. How Does Health Insurance Work? Health policies cover expenses related to the state of health of those who subscribe to them: diagnostic tests, treatments, hospital admissions, and the purchase of drugs.