
Showing posts from December, 2021

Corporate Health Plan: Benefits for Your Team

When hiring new employees, or captivating those who have been with the company for a longer time, we think about the  benefits  that the company offers or could start to offer, and the  corporate health plan  is one of these advantages, constantly requested by employees and that makes the difference at the time of the recruited opting or not for the offered position.  The  corporate health plan  l is essential for taking care of the health of employees. The company becomes more competitive, as it offers an attractive benefits package in the market, motivates and improves the self-esteem of the entire team. The health plan offers security to the employee because he/she knows that he/she is covered in case he/she needs medical services. After the salary, the health plan  is one of the benefits that weigh most when deciding to accept a job. Thus, this benefit motivates employees, as they know they can count on the company to take care of their health and this feeling of support is ref

Do Young People Also Need Health Insurance? Know All About!

Taking care of your health is ageless, and the younger you start to take care of your well-being, the lesser the problems will be in the future. Prevention is the key to a longer, healthier life. When asked if  young people also need a health plan , our answer is yes, because  hiring a plan when young is an investment for the future. One of the advantages of purchasing a health plan, between the ages of 20 and 30, is that the plans are cheaper, and are mostly used for periodic consultations and annual check-ups. But it is this care that will delay the onset of diseases or even detect in advance any type of problem that may have high costs in the future, which is why  young people also need a health plan  to prevent it.   Another important factor that must be taken into account is the lack of a plan. If by chance an urgent problem arises and requires surgery or even special treatment, the plans have a grace period, which can be a crucial point when solving a problem. If the person a

Health Plan for The Elderly: Understand the Particularities of This Type of Health Insurance

For many, old age is known as the best part of life. It is during this period that individuals have more time to devote to their hobbies, in addition to all the knowledge and wisdom they have acquired over time. However, to ensure that such moments are, in fact, well spent, it is important to take some precautions — and investing in a health plan for the elderly is one of them.  As we are well aware, unfortunately, the public health sector in Brazil has been facing a long crisis and has become inefficient in many situations. Therefore, ensuring that the elderly person has quality medical care is an excellent request and that it can even provide more peace of mind and security for the whole family.  Even so, there are people who are unaware of the particularities of a health plan for the elderly, nor do they understand how this type of contract works and what it can offer. With that in mind, we decided to clear all the information in today's post. Just follow the reading and m

Health Insurance: How To Choose It without Making (the Usual) Mistakes

A health insurance policy can prove to be essential on various occasions in life, from daily unforeseen events to travel abroad. In the latter case, the policy intervenes by providing assistance to the traveler, directing him to a trusted doctor on-site or at affiliated facilities. The benefits of this type of coverage often outweigh the costs. Its purpose is not so much to replace the benefits related to the national health system, as to protect itself from unpleasant situations related to loss of money related to an illness, or to face costs for decidedly onerous specialized care. It also allows you to choose between private affiliated structures, enjoying faster waiting times. Looking for opinions on health policies? After this reading, you will certainly have clearer ideas. How Does Health Insurance Work? Health policies cover expenses related to the state of health of those who subscribe to them: diagnostic tests, treatments, hospital admissions, and the purchase of drugs.

Information on Individual International Health Insurance Policies

If you live or work abroad, you probably need an international health insurance policy tailored to your needs. Allianz Care offers individual or family policies, students, anyone thinking of having a child or even for employees who no longer wish to be covered by a group policy. What is international health insurance? These are comprehensive medical insurance programs that offer certain benefits, such as reimbursement of costs related to hospitalization, medical evacuation, and access to necessary care for those living and working abroad. Allianz Care insurance policies are flexible and can be tailored to specific needs. International health insurance is the same as travel insurance ? Although these two types of insurance are often considered to be equivalent, they are quite distinct from each other. Travel insurance offers coverage in the event of a flight cancellation or loss of luggage or personal belongings, and for certain emergency medical treatments. This type of product is desi