
Showing posts from January, 2022

Endometriosis: what you need to know

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease characterized by the formation of cells of the uterine lining or endometrium outside the uterus. During the menstrual cycle, under the effect of estrogen, the endometrium thickens in preparation for a possible pregnancy.  If there is no fertilization, it disintegrates.  These are the rules. Naturally, the immune system destroys cells that are out of place.  However, in women who suffer from endometriosis, these cells which develop outside the uterus are not destroyed.  They remain disseminated on the other organs and bleed at the same time as the uterus during the menstrual period, which causes lesions, nodules, adhesions, ovarian cysts as well as inflammatory reactions with the formation of fibrous scars. This chronic inflammatory disease affects 10% of women.  The symptoms differ from one to another.  They can be multiple because they are related to the localizations of the endometriotic lesions. Symptoms of endometriosis The pain can manifest

All about paranoia

Paranoia is a complex mental and emotional disorder.  Paranoid delirium is a form of psychosis.  The paranoid person has a distorted perception of reality, dominated by exaggerated ideas or beliefs.  It is characterized by distrust, permanent doubt, erroneous interpretations of reality accompanied by a feeling of persecution. A paranoid person has two significant difficulties: 1-  The inability to distinguish the internal world (her subjectivity, her emotions, her ideas) and the external world which is a set of social conventions, thus considering what she feels as an irrefutable reality.  The paranoid does not realize his condition. 2-  The inability to deal with the other and the refusal of opinions different from one's own.  The paranoiac is persuaded to be right, which makes dialogue very difficult. Evolution of the concept In psychiatry, paranoia was first considered a form of dementia diagnosed separately. Later, it became an apparent symptom in chronic psychoses, such as bip

Nervous breakdown, understanding it better to get out of it better

Depression what is it? It is a mental disorder characterized by a deep sense of emptiness, self-deprecation, fatigue, lack of concentration, sadness, urge to cry for no apparent reason, low libido, sleep and diet, isolation, lack of interest or motivation or even suicidal thoughts.  If you recognized yourself in these symptoms, you probably suffer from depression.  Very disabling on a daily basis, this disorder is not incurable. In case of suicidal thoughts do not wait and contact the following emergency numbers: Samu 15 or 112 (European number) Understand what's going on in your head We usually say "I'm depressed", as if it were something that defines us.  However, this depression that you feel, only translates into feelings such as demotivation, devaluation, guilt, sadness, helplessness, failure, pessimism, fatalism, negativity... it does a lot and it hurts but that doesn't define you as a person. Part of your pain is because you think the depression is your fau

How to take care of your liver?

The functioning of your liver can be disturbed by alcohol abuse but also by the consumption of foods high in sugar and fat, especially if you do not do physical activity. To keep it healthy and preserve its functions, it is very important to take care of your liver every day. What are the functions of the liver? The liver performs up to 500 different functions.  From an anatomical and functional point of view, it is a gland which synthesizes, secretes and stores certain substances such as the proteins necessary for blood coagulation, for example.  It is also he who manufactures about 50% of the cholesterol present in the blood.  It produces glucose and helps your body maintain blood sugar levels. It weighs about 1.8 kg and accumulates iron stores as well as some fat-soluble vitamins.  It helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, eliminating them through bile or blood. To function properly, the liver needs 13% of the blood flow that circulates in our veins. How to keep