10 tips against tiredness and stress

Today people are immersed in an environment of constant change and pressure. Difficulties such as lack of employment, downsizing or emotional and financial problems, generate in the individual a situation of uncertainty and anxiety that can cause a state of stress and fatigue.

Stress is a physiological response to an unforeseen situation that gets out of control, and when this happens the body can react negatively: fatigue, muscle contractions and alterations in the nervous system.


Considered as the lack of energy or motivation , fatigue generates a state of apathy in the person , which not only hinders the realization of projects, but also hinders the social interaction of the affected individual. 


An investigation carried out by the firm Grant Thornton International Business Report indicates that Mexico is in seventh place worldwide in work stress.


The reality is that emotional and work problems will always be present in everyday life, so it is important not to fall into stress and chronic fatigue; To achieve this, there are actions such as exercise, reading and relaxation that can help you. 

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