10 tricks to lose weight without diet

For some people the word diet is synonymous with effort, eating little or sacrifice to achieve the desired body; however, this is far from reality, because through daily actions you can lose weight without realizing it.


According to various investigations, by putting into practice some healthy habits you will not have the need to suffer eating what you do not like or staying hungry , because you will maintain a healthy weight and free of fat.


You may also be interested in: Small changes to lose weight


You can get it!


So that you are part of the people who enjoy life without risks or guilt, some specialists share the tricks to lose weight without diet , even without you realizing it.


1. Control diet drinks. An investigation carried out by the University of Texas at Austin details that people who consume this type of beverage have larger waists than those who drink natural water. So avoid excessive intake of this drink even if it is low in calories.


2. More protein at breakfast. If you don't have time to make a fit breakfast, eat low-calorie yogurt or cottage cheese. These foods give you the calcium and protein you need to start your day, says Tiffani Buchus, co-author of “No More Excuses! 50 healthy ways for breakfast.


3. Healthy snack. If you feel hungry at noon, eat a medium piece of fruit, such as pears or apples, which are rich in fiber and hydrate you.


4. Goodbye dressings. If you eat salads, but add cream dressings, you are not helping your body at all, since they add calories. Choose virgin olive oil or lemon juice to accompany them.


Cut back on frozen yogurt. Although they seem healthy to you, you should limit their consumption, since accompanying them with “toppings” such as fruits, cereals or jams increases the number of calories you consume.


6. Dessert or alcohol . When you go to a dinner or go out with someone decide if you give priority to a glass of wine or dessert. If you want to lose weight, you must burn the calories you consume, so if you eat these two foods, the amount will exceed what you can eliminate.


7. Do not eat in packages. When you buy food that is in individual bags, try to empty a little product in a plate or mold, since by doing it directly from the bag, you consume double or triple what you normally would.


8. Practice yoga. A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association details that people who do yoga weigh less than others, because they are more mindful when eating.


9. Eat at home. Eating homemade food for five days a week is healthier, because you can choose the ingredients you cook with, as well as the quantity.


10. Pause . If you are one of those people who do not stop eating until they see an empty plate, it is time for you to stop for a moment. People who pause when eating give the opportunity to feel full and avoid overeating.


Also, if you eat at a restaurant, try to split the main course with someone else, order an appetizer as a meal, choose a children's option, and top it off with a small plate of salad.


By following these tips, it is easy to gradually lose weight and achieve a slim body without complications. Over time, the body gets used to it and you will only be surprised at the things you can do for your health without realizing it.


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