5 scientific tips to avoid sleep

Growing up not only increases age, but also the needs and concerns of daily life, which demand effort and energy; however, how to avoid drowsiness and, with it, the feeling of tiredness, weakness and frustration?


Drowsiness is the tendency that some people have to fall asleep during hours considered to be work; but, for the specialist Edmundo Rosales of the Pablo de Olavide University in Spain , this state of heaviness can be a symptom of sleep disorders such as apnea and narcolepsy, and be caused by the use of drugs, depression or lack of a good routine. of dream


Increased sleep or fatigue , in this case drowsiness , can affect your work and social life, so Salud180.com offers you some advice that science has proven.


1. It stimulates your orexin neurons. A study carried out by scientists from the University of Cambridge states that sleep after eating is due to the fact that the brain does not activate the orexin neurons correctly; to stimulate them and feel energized after a heavy meal, consume amino acids. These are present in proteins: eggs, fish, meat, nuts and cereals.


2. Discuss with a colleague. According to the specialized magazine Journal du Net , talking to a colleague about a subject on which they do not agree stimulates brain capacity and contributes to being alert.


3. Drink small amounts of caffeine . Harvard Medical School, Rush University Medical Center and Brigham and Women's Hospital, expose, through a study, that low doses of caffeine extend throughout the period without sleep allowing the body to remain more alert , so its effect is more lasting.


4. Dose of blue light . Research released by specialists from the Sleep, Attention and Neuropsychiatry laboratory of the French National Center for Scientific Research shows that exposure to continuous blue light emission can be as effective as coffee in preventing drowsiness in drivers.


It increases vigilance by stimulating nerve cells in a membrane located at the back of the eye, which is connected to the brain.


5. Low temperatures.   They make it difficult to drowsy or sleep, according to Professional Healthcare Inc. Drinking large amounts of water can help your body become more alert.


Avoiding drowsiness is not impossible and the benefits can be very great; however, remember that there must always be a balance. Try to sleep at your hours and maintain a balanced diet with exercise, which will help you avoid sleep.

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