Symptoms of breast cancer that have nothing to do with feeling a "lump"

Sometimes with fear, others with the certainty of not "finding anything", I used to touch my breasts after each menstruation. But, I never thought that there could be other lesser known symptoms of breast cancer, and that they had nothing to do with a lump or tumor.


I discovered it after my gynecologist, after performing a colposcopy ... An exam that had nothing to do with it, but the package in which I had purchased it included a review of the breasts! She commented to me, if she had noticed that my right breast felt heavier and harder compared to the left one.


What are the lesser-known symptoms of breast cancer?


Yes, I was scared! Especially because part of my family has died in jail.

Although I refuted the doctor that I had not felt any lump, she explained that these tend to be present when the cancer is already in the second to third stage.  Reason why it was important to know other symptoms, perhaps less common, but they do act as an earlier warning of the disease.


Here is the list he gave me:  


  1. Change in the size or shape of one or both breasts
  2. Bleeding in one of the nipples
  3. Sinking into the skin of the breast
  4. Swelling or lump in the armpits
  5. Rash on or around the nipple
  6. Change in the appearance of the nipple, for example, sinking into the breast



Although my breast presented a change in its volume , the doctor asked me to remain calm and not get ideas until a deeper study was carried out; In my case, being less than 35 years old, the test that was performed on me was a breast ultrasound.


My diagnosis was dense breast tissue; this means that in the breast there is more glandular and connective tissue than fat; common in young women and in treatment, according to the National Cancer Institute of the United States.


I know it's "terribly scary," but ignoring it won't make the problem go away. Do not you believe it?

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