
Showing posts from February, 2022

Breathing exercises for relaxation

Breathing exercises  are  very beneficial because in addition to reducing  stress  , they improve  lung capacity  and performance in any  physical activity  .  They are not only for those who suffer from respiratory difficulties, as is commonly believed, but can be done by all people who seek  relaxation   and better control of their emotions.   On certain occasions, the decrease in the amount of  oxygen  in the blood accelerates the  aging  process , decreases energy and mental ability;  In addition, the lack of flexibility of the  muscles   of the rib cage prevents correct  breathing  , according to the portal   For this reason, we present some basic  breathing exercises  that improve your aerial capacity and promote  relaxation  :   1. Lie on your back comfortably, place both hands on your upper abdomen, inhale slowly and deeply, bringing the air down to your stomach (you'll notice when your hands rise a bit) and then to your chest;  when you can't  b

10 tips against tiredness and stress

Today people are immersed in an environment of constant change and pressure.  Difficulties such as lack of employment, downsizing or  emotional  and financial problems, generate in the individual a situation of uncertainty and  anxiety  that can cause a state of  stress  and fatigue. Stress is a physiological response to an  unforeseen  situation that gets out of control, and when this happens the body can react negatively: fatigue, muscle contractions and alterations in the  nervous system.   Considered as the lack of energy or  motivation  , fatigue generates a state of  apathy  in the person , which not only hinders the realization of projects, but also hinders the social interaction of the affected individual.    An investigation carried out by the firm  Grant Thornton International Business Report  indicates that Mexico is in seventh place worldwide in  work stress.   The reality is that emotional and work problems will always be present in everyday life, so it is important not to

Anxiety and fatigue indicator of fatty liver

When placing my hand on one of my patients to examine her, I felt that she did not have much  fat on her skin  , surprisingly her stomach was   fat  hidden inside the  abdomen  . Gaining weight  , still not eating much and feeling tired, they had made her come to my office.  That's why the first thing I thought was that she had  fatty liver  . People with  fatty liver  have "  Fat Brain  ".  That is, they wake up without appetite, but in the afternoon they suffer from  anxiety  attacks .  They often have  insulin resistance  and  abdominal fat  even without overeating. Liver, food transit tax 1. When eating.  Sugar from food is stored. 2.  After two hours without eating, it is decided to release the  stored  sugar . 3.  After four hours without eating, the body orders to bring fat to the  liver  to make more  sugar  .   When the liver remains stuck in the third state, it ends up accumulating  fat  and that is why the disease is called:  Fatty Liver  . know the symptoms Ev

Tips to overcome mid-day tiredness

Mid-day fatigue?  A  stressful  life , work excesses or activities, can be the cause of you feeling a slight physical  and mental  tiredness ;  however, there are some natural remedies that can help you prevent it, in addition to allowing you to carry out all your activities.    Here are five tips that will make mid-day  physical  and mental exhaustion a thing of the past:   1. A little breaks.  Take some time to walk, so you will not only burn some  calories,  you will also release endorphins, but you will keep energy levels balanced.  A quick exit to the street will help you fight fatigue, sleep and give you a little sun, which will help prevent depression.   2. Don't eat at the desk.  Recent studies have shown that 60% of people eat in 20 minutes or less, and 25% of them don't even get up from their desk.  If you stay in your seat you will start to get more irritable, tired and distracted.  Go out to eat, give yourself that space of time.   3. Drink more water.  It will help

5 scientific tips to avoid sleep

Growing up not only increases age, but also the needs and concerns of daily life, which demand effort and energy;  however, how to avoid  drowsiness  and, with it, the feeling of tiredness, weakness and frustration?   Drowsiness  is the  tendency that some people have to fall asleep during hours considered to be work;  but, for the specialist  Edmundo Rosales of the Pablo de Olavide University in Spain  , this state of heaviness can be a symptom of  sleep disorders  such as apnea and narcolepsy, and be caused by the use of drugs, depression or lack of a good routine. of dream   Increased sleep or  fatigue  , in this case  drowsiness  , can affect your work and social life, so  offers you some advice that science has proven.   1. It stimulates your orexin neurons.  A study carried out by scientists from the  University of Cambridge  states that sleep after eating is due to the fact that the brain does not activate the  orexin  neurons correctly;  to stimulate them and feel

3 essential minerals in the diet

A healthy and balanced diet is essential for good health.  For this reason, it is necessary to include in your  daily  diet  foods with minerals  that the body cannot produce, and that are essential for its proper functioning.   Like  vitamins  ,  minerals  do not contain  calories  ,  but they do have multiple functions.  Among the most important are that of regulating the water balance inside and outside the cells, they are involved in nerve impulses and muscle activity, as well as in the formation of bone structure and teeth.   Within the group of  minerals   ,  calcium  is one of the most important.  The body requires about 1,500 g per day (although it varies according to age and sex), which is destined mostly for the bones and teeth, although it is also involved in other processes such as muscle contraction, nervous excitability and in the  blood  coagulation  . This  mineral  can be found in various sources, beyond dairy, in vegetables and seeds, such as broccoli, chard and spina

10 tricks to lose weight without diet

For some people the word  diet  is synonymous with effort, eating little or sacrifice to achieve the desired body;  however, this is far from reality, because through daily actions you can lose  weight  without realizing it.   According to various investigations, by putting into practice some healthy  habits  you will not have the need to suffer eating what you do not like or staying  hungry  , because you will maintain a healthy  weight  and free of fat.   You may also be interested in:  Small changes to lose weight   You can get it!   So that you are part of the people who enjoy life without risks or guilt, some specialists share the tricks to lose weight without  diet  , even without you realizing it.   1.  Control diet drinks.  An investigation carried out by the  University of Texas at Austin  details that people who consume this type of beverage have larger waists than those who drink natural water.  So avoid excessive intake of this drink even if it is low in calories.   2.  Mor